
Stir-fried Chicken Legs with Mushrooms | Chinese Food Easy Recipes

▪ Ingredients  



Chicken Legs

500 g

Green pepper, red pepper

1 each

Shiitake Mushroom

a few

Ginger, sugar, salt

a few

Starch, thirteen spices

a few

Oil, soy sauce, cooking wine

a few


▪ Detailed steps  

Chicken thighs chopped and marinated with ginger, sugar, cornstarch, thirteen spices, cooking wine for half an hour

Green, red pepper, fresh mushrooms cut into the shape you like, I like to cut directly into pieces

Heat the oil to sauté the garlic, pour in the marinated chicken thighs and stir-fry until white

Pour in the mushrooms and water, simmer on high heat for 10 minutes so that the fresh mushrooms fully absorb the fresh flavor of the chicken

Add green and red pepper, soy sauce, salt, stir-fry over high heat to reduce the juice, and then you can enjoy the pot

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